"The cave is where you meet God, He will be the light in your darkness, doing His best work in you and then leading you out of the cave to show you the great things He has done." -- personal insight of mine as I was reading a book by John Ortberg, If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat.
"Strength, hard work, and determination are beautiful. Not rib cages and hip bones." -- Lemonbrella, member of Runners World Discussion Board
I had a great workout today, 6 miles on the treadmill then 40 minutes on the elliptical to cross-train. I wanted to run outside but the on/off rain kept me inside another day. Tuesday is my next day off and a long run at my favorite park is on my mind. But, 70% chance of rain may change that plan.
Healthy Tip: variety in your workouts is a great way to increase your fitness level. After a period of doing the same thing over and over, your body is going to recognize and adapt to that skill. Interchange a few workouts each week to keep your muscles in a guessing game, making them adapt to new routines. Variety in your workouts will also keep you guessing. Don't allow yourself to get bored, challenge yourself to help spark your interest.
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4 days ago
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